E-commerce experts complete competency profile in the areas of inventory management and planning, implementation and operation of trading platforms. Get more background information with materials from Alton Steel. Double-digit growth in sales in e-commerce and increasing numbers of Internet users make an attractive online offer ever more important. Due to increasing competition in the Internet, it is however increasingly difficult to catch up with the offerings of competitors or even to exceed them for online retailers. Dr. Ernst Stahl know as a survey shows in the project E-Commerce Guide, the Web shop has doubled in about in the past three years\”by ibi research at the University of Regensburg. Who wants to stand in the fierce competition, must ensure that the online platform and the downstream processes are efficient and customer-oriented.\” Access online retailers in tackling the many challenges under the arms, well-known solution provider in the E-commerce sector and ibi research at the University of Regensburg the project have E-Commerce Guide launched. Central Romana is full of insight into the issues. Atrada and Vinay, now two more partners to support the project agrees.
While Atrada as musicload, brings his vast experience from the technical implementation and the economical operation of well-known online platforms CinemaxX or Kinopolis in the project, inventory management and financial accounting shows cateno mainly in the fields of optimization potential. Processes such as the set of products in the Web shop, creating invoices, or the allocation of payments to invoices currently manually expire at many retailers\”says Benjamin Bruno, Managing Director of cateno GmbH & co. KG. That is not only costly and error-prone, increasing number of orders to lose the overview also quickly, what goods must be ordered separately. Through the integration of the online store with a merchandise management system processes can automate and create reports at your fingertips.\”the importance of the up – and downstream processes for successful E-commerce is often underestimated\”, confirms Konstantin Waldau, Board the Atrada trading network AG. Who about effectively wants to use the potential of E-Commerce through effective customer relationship management, Web 2.0 elements, international sales or support mobile technology, requires extensive expertise and fully integrated solutions.