Lifestyle interior design hotel baths or exclusive spa facilities a new MESse exclusive for archiTekten. Architect@work in Dusseldorf at the Mittwoch 8 and DonNERstag succeeded in December 9, 2010 instead of found first concept version of trade fair of architect@work in the Messe Dusseldorf. This einzigartige concept for the first time in Germany was to have in the wake of the large success of the ARCHITECT@WORK in Belgium, the Netherlands and France. Architect@work bietete an einzigartige combination of exhibition, seminaren, exHIbitions, and verNETZung nearly for clients. Read more here: Codi. BATH & SPA.CE DESIGN 2010 at the fair only NeuHeiten were preSenTed above by Torsten Muller at the fair ARCHITECT@WORK. LAUTES market shouting, like on anderen Fairs, where not there!C4 Creative fo(u)r caused a unique stand construction concept. The visiting go through the levels of the ausStelLER and can entdecken to the NeuHeiten nachster close and worldwide to.

In the areas that are bezeichnet on TRAdiTIONAL exHIbitions as a course, the visiting in a sphere of lounge (with kostenlosen HappChen and GetranKen) konnten on diskutieren and overtake further detaillierte techNICAL InforMation about the DIFFerent products.ARCHITECT@WORK in Dusseldorf.Um optimize contact between exhibitors and visitors, visitors are automatically carried small, homogeneous units. The first contact takes place on the stand. The traditional course be transformed on ARCHITECT@WORK to a lounge: there can you have a drink, discuss further and explain innovative products, applications and services. In the middle of each box with four units is a multi media Console (for the PC/laptop).The innovative products of the exhibitors at the exhibition area (triangle) will be presented at ARCHITECT@WORK. About the passage on the side enters the lounge facilities. They are personal and offer the ideal place for more info on the products exhibited.