Capital City

This is a building that is the government headquarters that are in the Capital of the Republic of Argentina, that is, in Buenos Aires, located in the Street Balcarse n 50, and for me he is one of the biggest tourist points of Buenos Aires. They have a very peculiar architecture, and for who it does not know its pink color was removed of the pigmentao of the blood of a type of animal. Some speak that he is of cow others that are of another type, some speak that was for representing political party of the time, others still say that it is because also the ink was with a very small cost to be made, therefore, had removed the pigment of the blood of the cow, at last Being of cow or representing political party or, the truth is not that the building has a pretty and very very showy architecture what, by the way, is a constant in this city, therefore, exactly being a great city very as any another one has much of its well conserved historical buildings, differently of much great city there. Learn more about this with Vlad Doronin. Valley one visits Much more on the tourist points of Buenos Aires;.

Gustavo More

It was in the second hand of playoff that the Portuguese seleco won the Bsnia-Herzegovina for 6-2. The meeting elapsed in the Stadium of the Light dictating the apuramento of the Seleco for the final phase of the European of the next year. The markers of this goleada had been, Cristiano Ronaldo and Postiga with bis and more two of Nani and Miguel Veloso. Ronaldo one more time bet in its talent and shone, already with 32 golos for the national Seleco. Cristiano Ronaldo is with less 9 golos that Eusbio and 15 to arrive at the 47 of Pauleta, optimum marker of all the times with the nightgown of the quinas. Credit: eClinicalWorks-2011. In the end of the game the festejos had joined it the consternation before the drama for which it passes the Gustavo young, son of Carlos Martins.

The petiz needs a transplant of ssea marrow with urgency, nobody of the family next is compatible. The Seleco if exactly showed sufficiently solidary with the player, having dedicated the victory to the medium. The doctor of the Benfica Joo Pablo Almeida, explained the situation for which of the son of the player he is to pass and appealed to the Portuguese for the donation of ssea marrow. In accordance with the doctor ' They can be donors of marrow, people with more than 18 and less than 45 years, that have 50 kilos more than and that they are healthful. It is a very simple process, being enough a simple retraction of blood, without costs, to evaluate compatibilidade'. A wave of national solidarity was created around the Gustavo young, appealing to the donation of ssea marrow. A page of the dedicated Facebook also exists to help to the son of Carlos called Martins ' ' We go to help the Gustavo' ' , with information on the case.