CRVICE Society

MALIGNANT NEOPLASIA OF UTERINE BREASTS AND CRVICE IN the WOMAN CONTEMPORARY EVIL DISEASE OF THE MAMMAS AND UTERINE CERVIX IN THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN THERE ENFERMEDAD UTERINE LUGGAGE DEL MAMMAS Y THERE CERVIX EN THERE MUJER CONTEMPORNEA Carla Fabiana Manosso SantAnna SantAnna, C.F.M, malignant Neoplasia of the breasts and uterine crvice in the woman contemporary Summary the women are the majority of the Brazilian population, are normally careful not only with the domestic works and of the children, but an important member for current society. The inversion of the paper of the woman in the society, as insertion in the market of work, increased level of escolaridade, reduction of the number of children, has despertado interest on the main illnesses related to its adoecimento and death, since in Brazil its life expectancy is eight years bigger of what of the man. From the last century new politics of attention the health of the woman had been incorporated in the process health-illness. Research detaches two important malignant neoplasias with greater incidence in the feminine population, of the breasts and uterine col. Had its paper of prominence in the present scene, this study it had as objective to analyze these illnesses in the life of the woman contemporary.

Describers: woman, mammary, neoplasia neoplasia cervical, precocious detention. Abstract The women ploughs most of the Brazilian population, they ploughs usually careful not only with the domestic works and of the children, but an important to member will be current society. The inversion of the woman' s to paper in the society, insert in the job market, increased level of education, decrease of to number of children, it has been waking up interest on the main diseases related you her illness and death, because in to her Brazil life expectation it is eight years adult than the one of the man. Starting from the century new last politics of attention the woman' s health was incorporate in the process health-disease.