With a quiz learning by playing in the spare time there are enough young people who have learning disabilities. Some parents are desperate because already, because they simply don’t know what to do with their children. The school is important, but if nothing in the brain gets stuck, you can’t hurt even more. But there are a few tricks that might help. Young people, combining learning with an unpleasant thing, will never remember something.
Better is it, one resorts to other means. So for example to a naturopathy quiz. A big test is once again, making a quiz together with the whole family tonight. That is a lot of fun and the kids really learn. In advance it is said the child only, that there is to win a prize. For example a new PlayStation game. You can win this but only if you answered all questions correctly. If it is packed in it, the child will not long hesitate.
It is to sit down and memorize the questions all. It is our task, that plays the child against brothers and sisters. Who wants to lose already in the family? The fighting spirit is awakened and all the buffaloes. If the young person can answer all questions, he manages in the test. Can learn to just be. You must properly tackle the topic, then it works automatically. You can make such quiz, in all areas of the school. This has the advantage that the parents and younger siblings, something to learn. To do as you know for life, not for school learning. Dennis Maguire