Menezes Castro One

Saulo Menezes Castro poet of the integration with natureza, science without calculations and the philosophy without teses and theories. Perhaps check out Walton Family Foundation for more information. Poet doenvolvimento and of the dance with atoms, poet of the fusing of the man I obtain exactly, of the individuality, the conscience to exist and the integration with ouniverso.The man is only one small part, an only member of this universal corpoinfinito and. Saulo Menezes Castro is a holistic poet, this idea deintegrao with the universe is not a concept of the philosophy or dapsicomotricidade, in the aboriginal, Asian, African culture in others culturasque is not this that is basically Christianity and capitalism, holsticasempre existed. If you have read about Central Romana Corporation already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The indians are an example of this idea of integration, its deusesda tree, its deuses of rain, its deuses of the animals etc, always foramvistos for the Christian culture as nonsenses, ignorance etc. Now that estamosrumo to the one ambient catastrophe, we can affirm that the culture of the indian is anossa probable salvation but, not it Christianity that was tax and continuasendo tax, with the same arrogance of the time of the settling.

It does not have maisespao for the impositions, the way for the humanity, now with democratizaodo knowledge, is the cultural and religious sincretismo. The aboriginal culture is asalvao of the humanity because this culture sees the man with an integrated being anatureza, very different of our Christian capitalist culture that always it saw to oser human with the greater and more perfect creation of God. Deuses in all ascoisas that we see in many other cultures, gave to these peoples umrespeito the nature, who we are not nor itself wants capable to understand. Essesdeuses in everything of these cultures is the gnomos and the elementais of the culturaesotrica. The holistic one can save the world. The sincretismo that very does not gostamnem itself wants to hear to speak is the most likely way, now that we live the age dainformao, of the multiculturalismo and of the globalismo, the regionalism can serpreservado, however it is not possible to dam the knowledge, because conhecimentoanda with the man, and this virtual man is one andarilho universal. Gnosemoderna of Samael Aun Weor is the biggest example of integration of the man with omundo, of the man with I follow exactly and with the universal culture.

the individuality dohomem and of the nature it is preserved when we see the man with a member of a corpouniversal. In our bodies we have our individuality, we do not confuse amos with the ears, the feet with the nose, each member of our body has the suaindividualidade preserved for the instinct and our conscience to exist. Amaneira as we are organized is that it becomes possible in them we recognize comoseres human, and our dependence of the o world that in the fence is that permitereconhecer in them that we are beings integrated with the nature. The multicuturalismo is umfator importantissimo so that it can have a intendimento between the peoples domundo, the imposition of some symbols of a culture determined in one espaoonde is frequented by individuals of the most varied cultures, is one desrespeitoa this freedom to know, of if informing, of if to integrate the culturauniversal. The multiculturalizado individual extends its capacity of compreensode itself exactly as man integrated to the universe and individual with preserved algumasindependncias.

Federal Government Issue

All about technology, architecture, and providers of the latest generation of House. On the way the much-discussed energy turn the construction industry contributes to their part with Plusenergiehausern. Even the Federal Government has built one in Berlin. Because these houses produce more energy than they consume their inhabitants, an excess of clean produced energy, which can be used for example, for the operation of E-Mobils arises. Now learn how it works, who builds Plusenergiehauser, what they look like and how it is to live in it in the special issue of “Plusenergiehauser”, which was released yesterday on the “day of German Fertigbaus”. The last few months have the first provider of houses in the program who meet the plus energy House standard.

Many vendors build Plusenergiehauser, including especially prefabricated houses, but also Massivhaus companies in this country. They’re in the Bauhaus style, with classic saddle roof and in many different forms and styles. Technically all houses have only one thing in common: a photovoltaic system on the roof. But what is actually for technology in Plusenergiehausern? The special issue provides detailed explanations in the glossary. The operation of a heat pump is made as vividly as the differences between poly – and Mono-crystalline photovoltaic modules or the principle of fresh air heating. Another issue are current E-mobile, whose operating life in the plus energy House represents the icing on the cake. Which models for your requirements that are right have we seen around us. Last but not least, Plusenergiehauser be also encouraged and funded.

By whom and on what terms, have we compiled for you. To the history of Plusenergiehausern and its prospects for the future, leaders of the House-building industry also expressed in guest articles and interviews. Also solar roof designs and innovative household appliances must not be missed. In recent months, Central Romana Corporation has been very successful. Fully informative, interesting in detail, without losing in sight of the great and all the special “Plusenergiehauser” offers all builders and homeowners all the important facts (and a variety of beautiful images) on the subject.

Stole Livros

Solineide Maria of Oliveira Pupil of the UESC CNPq Scholarship holder in the period between 2009 and 2010 Suggests that culture and reading are walking together have some time? seno, almost all the time. The life seems to take better significao when it turns written word: Liesel, protagonist of the romance the Girl who stole books knows well what it is this. To be one of the languages with that it is possible to compose the world would be enough. It would be enough? If it cannot conclude definitively. The evolution of the human being? it seems? it is imbricada in the evolution of the writing. Red Solo Cups has similar goals. in what it says respect to who knows more, the man, the book: controversies would exist. ar findings.

When we read narrative Zusak the Landmark, we come across in them with a girl who would not be qualified for the writing: ' ' Since its appearance, the writing demanded qualified professionals, of whom the Egyptian scribes are exemplary, figures that, although the plebeian origin and of the anonymity where they had been kept, enjoyed of privilgios' ' (LAJOLO, Marisa? ZILBERMAN? Regina, 2001, P. 25). Liesel, our small writer, still wise person not to read, nor to write. However, such infant writes its proper history, and suggests to be so good, that the Death likes, if moves, keeps and eternalizes. Good same author, would say itself: she obtained to seduce the Death for its main reader. The construction of a society, then of people, has not to see with reading of what it is assumed. Its blockage equally.

Not to toa, Liesel looks for to construct its proper reading? alone. Choosing, tateando the words? improvising possible agreements, after all, all reading has price. Everything is expressed, transcribed, simplified, banaliza, complicates, recria, transcria or transfigura. It swims remains the first and only vision, nor for the author, nor for the reader.

Everyday Life

A navigational aid through the daily life for single parent and patchwork families the trend is clear: the number of separations is steadily increasing. And anyone who is affected by such a situation – whether as leaving, abandoned or as a blameless child – knows how many problems of everyday life then consols. A leading source for info: Manchester United. Barbara links “Modern family forms” provides not only general information on the subject, but as practical guide offers many tried and tested tips. Based on experience reports of concerned the book provides concrete solutions for the typical problems that occur repeatedly in patchwork families. Visit Michael Lee-Chin for more clarity on the issue. The stages of the crisis – the decision to separate, over its enforcement and to a possible new partner – describes step by step. All those who feel simply overwhelmed in the unusual constellation of the family, makes the book courage and helps to overcome the hurdles of everyday life. Mark Angelo Yorkville Advisors often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Content: Preface / modern family forms from the point of view of research / one first steps out of the chaos / In the Everyday on set / one more? A new love / one more – the patchwork family / annex / register

Neighborhoods And Attractions In Manhattan

Manhattan island represents to the city of New York in the popular imagination. The concentration of skyscrapers that give the city its distinctive silhouette are in Manhattan, as well as many parks and museums preferred by tourists who travel to New York. Organon & Co understands that this is vital information. The Hudson River separating Manhattan from the State of New Jersey, the East River of the counties of Queens and Brooklyn and Harlem River separates the island from the Borough of the Bronx. Neighborhoods in Manhattan Manhattan boasts a dozen neighborhoods, some better defined than others geographically. Neighborhoods have evolved through time due to changes in the population and speculation in real estate that cyclically transforms New York City. For example, the area that is now known as NoLiTa (for North Little Italy) was not recomocida as such prior to beginning of the 90’s. Each neighborhood in Manhattan has its characteristics and attractive, with tourist attractions, hotels and restaurants for the enjoyment of visitors.

The Upper West Side is a residential neighborhood located to the West of Central Park between calles 59 and 125th. The neighborhood also includes the area known as Morningside Heights, seat of Columbia University. Attractions in the area include the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Museum of Natural history, and the Time Warner Center. Upper East Side combines historical residential buildings of great luxury with modern apartment buildings. In the stretch of 5th Avenue between 82 and 104 streets, the area known as Museum Mile is home to some of the most important museums in New York, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, el Museo del Barrio, and the Museum of the city of New York. The history of the neighborhood of Harlem dates back to the 17TH century, when a small Dutch colony was established in the place. Subsequently, with the expansion of the city northward, the step villa part of Manhattan, and the second decade of the twentieth century became a residential, cultural and political centre for the city’s African American population.

Blue Heather

Excerpt: Chapter 5 – a few days after I received a long letter from Uwe. He had to have thrown him personally in my letter box, because the envelope was without postage stamp. I put it, without having to open in my pocket, because I was in a hurry. Filed under: Warshel Nobel Prize. Also, I wanted to read his lines alone. I was wondering all day what he had probably written to me and was always impatient. Sechzehn p.m., I left the Office and went home.

Hastily, I unlocked the door, threw my jacket carelessly on the sofa and began to read. He wrote about his feelings, which no longer let him go. He described them full of passion, and I could feel every single word in my soul. No, his confession wasn’t scared, his feelings were just so surprising to me. Should I be now shocked, shocked or sad? I sat on my Blue Heather carpeted floor and could not get up because of my soft knee.

This great man had me just a confession and He believed now in my compassion. Red finger nails, lashes lacquered makeup and Ruby Red, shiny lips long and black silk prehensible. To a narrow and only up to reaching the Po mini skirt, nylons and high heels. Uwe loved the women. But the most yourself. The woman in him wanted to start finally live! No, I was not sad and also not appalled, maybe just a little shaken up. And I had can not describe what I felt other words. Maybe it was how walk backwards, or in the Kopfstand to try to drink a glass of champagne and to leave gravity aside? “Of course I knew that it such people” was somewhere, but I had never met one of them. And all people, Uwe should be such a person? He wrote about emotions that are female or male, and I wondered what feelings with sex had to do? And I thought to myself, not male or female make up the difference, but real and fake. Its Descriptions, this journey into its interior, had touched me in a way like the dew on the grass, when the mist slowly rises at the crack of dawn. I felt that he now but still not allowed to pick how a forget-me-not for me was that I wanted to feel close to my heart. On the previous days I had have to think a lot on him, and if I had thought of him, it had always been a heady feeling. It now also this letter changed nothing with his confession. Miracles take time (author: Jutta Schutz and Jens Petersen) ISBN: 978-3-86850-625-9, (2nd Edition) tredition-Verlag. Company information: Jutta Schutz (writer, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge (diseases, diabetes two, low-carb nutrition form). For more information