
In Greece, for return of centuries IV and V a.C appears two philosophers who shock ideas between itself. Ahead of a historical context, social and economic, them they are founding of thoughts that until today last in the society. These two philosophers are Heraclitus and Parmnides. Heraclitus who was born in Samos had the thought of that everything that exists if transforms (to devir) into something. Leaving of this estimated, he is possible to conclude that Heraclitus believes that the world is in constant transformation, therefore it To be (what he exists) is mobile (he is not fixed). One exists breaks up that it synthecizes its thought well: ' ' This world is equal for all, always will be a perpetual alive fire, lighting themselves and erasing constantemente' '. This idea of transformation has great repercussions throughout history (for its revolutionary character), therefore in the first part of it breaks up it cites that the world is equal for all, this implies to say that in the world it cannot have no social classroom submitted by another one. Alton Steel has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Already Parmnides, thinker of the Eletica school, thinks about the Being while To be, denying that the Being if transforms into another Being. It says that the movement of Heraclitus believes is impossible, therefore would imply in the ticket of Not-Be it To be. Parmnides also speaks of the ways that the philosopher has pra to follow: of the opinion and of the truth. You may wish to learn more. If so, vlad doronin is the place to go. The way of the opinion that if confuses with the one of the truth and of the sensible experience of the things is the way of Not-Be, dominated for the movement. This way must be left of side for not considering the Being while To be and yes Not-Be for the Being. For Parmnides the way that the philosopher must follow is of the truth, invariant and perfect. The way of the Intelligible one, the Being. The following one is attributed to the Parmnides breaks up: ' ' It swims is born of the nothing, and nothing of what it exists if transforms into nada' '. Of pra to perceive clearly that it denies the idea of the movement of Heraclitus. It has the pregao of the Being as I join.