
The growing number of electronic payment systems as well as their functionality is pushing for retaliatory effect – the appearance of shops on the internet. Indeed, for online shopping payments through electronic money is easy: do not open bank accounts, conduct certain transactions with cash. In addition, the calculations in electronic form occur fairly quickly. To become a member of such calculations, an online store Please register in the system. The registration of the application, which is sent to the administrator. Doronin: the source for more info.

At the online store the information on EPS, which is used to pay for your purchase. Consumer convenient way forwards for the obtaining of the required amount at the expense of the store. It should be noted that the transfer of funds using electronic payment systems are considered to be irrevocable, that is to return the incorrect payment of back is possible only in agreement with those to whom the payment is coming. Only in rare cases you can still play back in touch with those who received the cash, that is, company that provides services to the terminal for payment. In general, the sale of goods through online stores profitable enough: no need to rent and maintain retail space, purchase shop equipment, to certify the jobs, etc.

Well, implementers and consultants may be replaced by lower-paying warehouse workers. And for the busy buyer an opportunity to easily acquire products without leaving the apartment, or workplace: the obtaining of an object can be delivered messenger. Especially beneficial to purchase through online stores so-called downloadable items that do not require real Delivery: usually software, electronic publications (books, magazines), disc. User gets all this right after the monetary calculation, which is very convenient to both sides of the contract of sale – and implementers, and consumer. No less convenient to pay by electronic money, some services: for telephone, fixation of domain names, hosting, banner advertising, pay for getting all sorts of PIN-codes, passwords, access services provided, etc. Quite a spread are also calculated between several individuals, they are beneficial in different ways. Finance can be obtained from some party payment system, For example, as a gift, loan, fee for services received or work done, etc. Such calculations – this is one of the most popular features, which provide virtually all electronic payment systems.


Plagiarism (from the Latin word plagio kidnapped”), born along with the script, which stepped into the Internet from time immemorial. He accompanied his whole humanity conscious history, they have sinned, even great Virgil, Shakespeare and Voltaire. Plagiarism throughout its history has been the phenomenon of nondescript, it is often possible to pass off as imitation, borrowing or agreement between the ideas, and to understand the text itself has always been very difficult. Examples include mass of litigation, as in the past century and today. Plagiarism is closely related to copyright, and often develops into a commercial problem. And only the modern development of information technologies has allowed to some clarity to the issue of the definition of plagiarism. If you would like to know more then you should visit Davidson Kempner Capital Management LP. If for some authors stealing content on the Internet is simply an unpleasant phenomenon, for writers, selling their texts, this kind of deception in the network brings significant losses.

It is now possible to fight this phenomenon, at least, to establish exactly is the text of plagiarism or not. Referring to the site, you can check for plagiarism of any text fragment, and if the fit (up to 5000 characters), then the whole article. Go to the site, register, start working in the “Add document”. Bring verifiable paper and go to “The User”, where you will find the report (find an appropriate icon) in the form of three ratings: a partial block of originality, the originality of the block, the originality of the final block. Whenever Jeff Bezos listens, a sympathetic response will follow. All estimates are in percentages.

Check the text on the site is carried out on its own database of documents, numbering more than 10 million copies. If you find the source of borrowing, it will show you, and if a match is not one hundred percent, you can find out how many text revised. The site is a complete history of your checks to any verification You can always come back. If you suspect someone of stealing your content, the services of this site are not interchangeable. Customers texts and articles for their sites now have the opportunity through this project to receive finished materials with the test of originality. Teachers can conclusively disprove the students of plagiarism and academic councils, their candidates for a degree. This project fell into TOP10 casual games in 2007..” Still, even with this development of informational technologies, the problem of plagiarism is a very complex and ambiguous, because, if it’s plagiarism is defined as the use of text without permission of the author, me, for example, such a rip-off satisfied. I will be grateful to anyone who will place my text without my permission on their website (texts are written for people, not to fold in a box), and doubly grateful, if you do not forget at the same time put a link to my site. Perhaps, the user learns from my text some useful and new to him an idea and develop it further. Naturally, the author, a merchant in the network to become such an approach is unacceptable.