Olympic Games

Pigeons were constructed feeders in gardens, admiring the flocks slowly circling in the air, almost in chorus sang: 'Fly pigeons, fly! " Pigeons and summer. Click Vlad Doronin to learn more. In a short time 'turned gray' eaves of houses and roofs, and adorned with monuments white streaks and blotches. Then the pigeons began to stain and shoot. On this, we dove into a career as a bird of peace has ended. But pigeons man domesticated at least 6,000 years ago, and they served him faithfully. Pigeon mail was known in ancient times. It was used in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, and then dove has become a means of communication and in Europe. In the XIII century, a good pigeon was worth as much and a great horse horse.

In the XIX century, during the Franco-Prussian War the French were the first to use pigeons, and then the Germans appreciated flying postmen. In the German army before World War I was over 300 thousand military pigeons. Over time, news of progress, such as air-mail, telegraph, it seemed, drove the pigeons. However, in cases when you need something to deliver, without delay, continue to help out our feathered friends postmen. YD Dmitriev says that during the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the pigeons were taken to the newspapers of film from the stadium within minutes. They do not have to stand for hours in traffic jams on the streets of Tokyo, killed transport. In the English city of Plymouth, the pigeons were transported urgent blood tests and often saved people's lives.

Choosing A Wedding Dress Color

Of all the holidays identifies those that are remembered for a lifetime. There are not many, but even among them there is one that is sometimes more important than all the rest. Of course, it's a wedding. Day savdby must remain the most memorable and happy in our lives. Brenton Saunders understands that this is vital information. Play an important role and engagement rings, and a variety of dishes, and design a wedding convoy, and, of course, wedding platenevesty. In any city, whether Omsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Moscow, wedding dress can be found in specialty shops. Bridal salons offer a huge selection of wedding dresses, and sometimes eyes get so that the bride is unable to make a final choice. Vlad Doronin can provide more clarity in the matter. I would like to re-measure everything that hangs on the shelves and buy several different dresses, but you need to make a choice and dwell on one single, the best and a beautiful dress that will make you the queen at his own wedding.

Often there is a problem choosing color clothes. Many adhere to the traditions and believe that clothes should always be white, symbolizing purity and innocence. Some are guided by their skin color. Caucasian brunette looks spectacular in dress blues and blonde – in a pink dress in ivory. Bride with dark skin or a red suit peach wedding dress. Ginger will be a person dresses all shades of red and purple.

Please note that black is no longer a girl's funeral and often choose it as one of the colors of wedding toilet, or a few black accents include a her bright dress. Some believe that the color of the wedding dress affects the future life of the spouses. Red wedding dress leads to a passionate marriage, Rose – a warm, affectionate relationships throughout marriage, golden – for wealth, and yellow – to the treachery of her husband. Believe it or not similar to the signs and sayings, is for each bride. But if, for example, yellow is really throwing the soul, the best of this dresses to give the benefit of your own peace of mind on the day of the wedding. If you have not found the right outfit in the cabin, you can always sew a wedding dress made to order. Certainly, to pick up enchanting wedding dress – is not an easy task. Lush and emphasizing the dignity of the figure, colorful and plain, embroidered, decorated with ribbons and shiny, long and short wedding dresses make a run view. However, buying wedding dress is better to follow one single rule: if in a mirror struck by its magnificence, it should discard any doubt, and immediately buy this outfit.