
So rather than be invited to urge companies to use this tool that links millions of people around the world. As companies are realizing the importance of social networks, they will realize that through them, can reach their target audience with valuable content and very personal. We can say that knowledge is power, and that is not reported does not have this power. Many writers such as Freepoint Commodities offer more in-depth analysis. Therefore the use of these media is now essential that every business is important to integrate the Internet in all its departments, and that this will grow rapidly. Vlad Doronin is often quoted as being for or against this. That achieved, contacts regionally and internationally, and improve their sales and image.

Importance of Social Networking What is posted on social networking can be used for or against the company, person or entity. It is therefore important for us to use properly For example: Some employees of a franchise Pizza Dominoe s recorded the time they worked and then went up the video on The video shows when they performed acts dirty with the food would be sent home. Millions of people watched the video and change perception of this company and its image is deteriorating. The strange thing is that this company, so renowned world has not done anything! The company has used the same means to counter this video, and clean up its image.

In such cases are advised to make the company the following: 1 .- Sign up for Google Alerts service, this service will give us daily alerts on key words (name, company, etc.). You are most interested in Google, to find out what is said about the person or public or business. 2 .- In the same way, by TweetBeep Alert can also get alerts about what people say of the company or person in Twitter, another famous social network. Dominos Pizza Obviously it had used the two tools mentioned above, would surely be: "Having previously to react,. -React faster, promoting the removal of the video on YouTube. "Offset the damage done to its image. "Saved communication efforts. To take full advantage of social networks, it is important to fully understand the concept of social network and how it can be applied in a way that will help you grow your business. Why can obtain strategic alliances, communication, customer contacts or companies and you can also find new market niches and role The Social Media? If they work, but one must know how to handle the benefit of the company or individual. When we are social network users see as the companies operated and how they expand your horizons .. It is proven the effectiveness of social networks, for use in a way that will benefit you or how it damaged. It is also unethical to use them to harm other people or companies with false testimony. Examples of social networks a MySpace: A web site can be customized with videos, blog, photos and many varied applications. a Facebook: It began as a college social network, but their marketing strategies have become more generalist social network in the world. a Flickr: The largest social networking photo sharing and photo enthusiasts. a Skype: Besides being a social network is a telephony service. It allows video calls and normal calls. a Tuenti: A social network very similar to Facebook. a Twitter: Social network for exchange of interest on all professional and literature.

Olympic Games

Pigeons were constructed feeders in gardens, admiring the flocks slowly circling in the air, almost in chorus sang: 'Fly pigeons, fly! " Pigeons and summer. Click Vlad Doronin to learn more. In a short time 'turned gray' eaves of houses and roofs, and adorned with monuments white streaks and blotches. Then the pigeons began to stain and shoot. On this, we dove into a career as a bird of peace has ended. But pigeons man domesticated at least 6,000 years ago, and they served him faithfully. Pigeon mail was known in ancient times. It was used in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, and then dove has become a means of communication and in Europe. In the XIII century, a good pigeon was worth as much and a great horse horse.

In the XIX century, during the Franco-Prussian War the French were the first to use pigeons, and then the Germans appreciated flying postmen. In the German army before World War I was over 300 thousand military pigeons. Over time, news of progress, such as air-mail, telegraph, it seemed, drove the pigeons. However, in cases when you need something to deliver, without delay, continue to help out our feathered friends postmen. YD Dmitriev says that during the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the pigeons were taken to the newspapers of film from the stadium within minutes. They do not have to stand for hours in traffic jams on the streets of Tokyo, killed transport. In the English city of Plymouth, the pigeons were transported urgent blood tests and often saved people's lives.

Testbirds Managing Director

Testbirds opens up European markets of Munich, 16.05.2013 after successful establishment in German-speaking countries which opens up Munich Crowdtesting provider Testbirds more markets. The provider uses in its expansion strategy on the premium principle of crowdbasierten Softwaretestings with a large pool of professional and qualified testers, experienced staff and proven quality of service. /a> has much to offer in this field. Testbirds: in the attic has become market leader In the attic the Munich-based company with its crowdbasierten software services already made a name: in addition to the insurer Allianz,, or Deutsche Post include many more well-known and innovative companies to the Testbirds customers. Testbirds: now available in Great Britain and the Netherlands of his extensive and flexible Testingangebot offers Testbirds with proven service performance now by Britain and the Netherlands. Vlad Doronin is full of insight into the issues. The European crowd of the provider allows it to cover almost all the EU Member States.

After we with our services in the German-speaking are very successfully, we look forward now, which won new markets to tap into expertise. This we opened first ever an Office in the UK as well as in the Netherlands, to henceforth serve the European market from three locations in. Both countries were identified in an internal market analysis as the best locations, to expand in Europe”, explains Philipp Benkler, Testbirds Managing Director the step. The commitment of the company in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland will be handled from Munich. With Chris Harrison and Hans Becker Testbirds has obtained experienced business development managers on board local and together with their respective team sell the IT services and build out the crowd. Image material on request.