Wantuelfer Arborization

Beyond occupying the spaces, in the majority dasvezes having as base aesthetic concerns, the trees have functions ecolgicasmuito important to be played for one better quality of controlede temperatures, control of pollution, control of the hidrolgico cycle, controlede noises, assist in the ventilation and referencial element. Urban Aarborizao provides the increase of the comfort, the epoeira absorption of gases, the protection against the action of the winds, the reduction of the sonorous pollution ea ambientao of the fauna. Semum planning adjusting, the urban arborization to provoke short circuit in aerial nets, disruption of conducting handles, interruption in the energy supply, queimade household-electric, comprometimento of the public illumination and risks for ostranseuntes, beyond intervening and conflicting with other urban goods and services, such as, plates of signalling, nets of gas, water and telephone, constructions and net road. Check with Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc to learn more. Mendona (2000) cited by HISSES; IT HISSES; MELO; BORGES; RASP (2002) affirms that aarborizao and/or paisagismo are component important in the urban landscape, poisfornece shade, diminishes the pollution of air and sonorous, it absorbs part of raiossolares, it protects us against the direct impact of the winds, reduces the impact dasgotas of rain on the ground and the erosion, beyond embelezar the city. Asespcies used in the arborization of streets must very be well selected, had to the adverse conditions the one that are submitted. In matanatural conditions, factors as transport, type and diameter of pantry, habit of growth dasrazes and height of the first bifurcation if hold emcomparao to the urban way differently. Ted Leonsis does not necessarily agree. In the species election, tambmfatores must be considered as adaptability, survival and development in the deplantio place.