
Sweat is a physiological mechanism which has the Agency to remove the heat. It is estimated that a person can reach to secrete 10 litres of sweat depending upon the exercise who has made climate and stressful situations to which it has been subjected. But some sudan excessively regardless if they have been very active or doing cold or heat. This condition is known as Hyperhidrosis and is manifested with sweating hands, armpits, face and even facial redness. As it is not a temporary condition tends to generate problems in the social life of those who suffer from it. It is believed that excess sweating due to one on activity of the sympathetic nervous system, composed of nerves over which there is no voluntary control and respond to emotional stimuli. In a few cases it may be caused by an endocrine disease, such as hyperthyroidism or a tumor of the adrenal glands, however in the majority of those affected there is an associated body disease.

The traditional treatment is temporary, in the intervening dermatologists and internists, and involves the use of medications, creams or lotions that are applied directly on the skin. The application of galvanic current of low intensity known as iontophoresis is also very effective. Recently botulinum toxin was also introduced to expand the range of solutions. Each alternative of non-surgical treatment has its special indication according to the severity and number of areas. But now in the country it is also possible to attack the problem undergoing surgical treatment that sheds definitive results.

One of the techniques is subcutaneous sweat beds ablation, which involves making minimal incisions through which surgical instruments that destroy and reduce the population of the sweat glands are introduced.A variant of this technique, is ultrasonic sweep, in which a high frequency sound wave resonance puts the glands to make them explode. The latter is most effective to eliminate sweating excessive and bad odor and are recommended to those who suffer from Hyperhidrosis in the axillary region. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Echo Street Capital. It is done with local anesthesia and sedation and lasts an hour approximately, with immediate recovery and minimal disability. For those in whom other treatments have proved unsuccessful or suffer from a combination of hands sweating armpits and face, also are in the severe range, there are some home remedies that are very effective, I recommend visiting the following page: original author and source of the article