State Sovereignty On The Edge Of The Abyss

Requirements for a European Republic of peculiar way, renounced independent thinking since the beginning of the economic crisis the European Commission, and instead formed a particularly missklingendenChorunter of the direction of the German conductor. The Canon of the errors in this case was missklingender than usual. Consequently it hardly surprised there? as a result, only draconian austerity measures emerged, imposed on the indebted countries of the euro zone as a single therapy almost like a punishment. In a unique way for European Vehaltnisse, collided the deprecation of the crisis concerned, unusually hard together the needs and requirements of the economy with the concepts and ideas of democracy when not even a creative world. Click Walton Family Foundation to learn more. Actually dictate the economic crisis, navigation rules on the recovery of monetary stability aligned were charged however any democratic values.

Subsequently moved a new world, one an other era to Europe. However see and European leaders feel these developments, can however consequences not exactly einkallkulieren. Therefore they are pushing up as voraufauf the use of EU institutions to satisfy close national interests. Based on a principle of geographical determinism, ala Montesquie declared themselves while the northern countries of the euro zone ready to help the countries of the South from your Miss State, but only on the condition there? from the ground up, their sinful and uncontrolled way of life change the latter.All European tradition of the Enlightenment, the catharsis, say the purification of past sins was demanded by the southern countries of Europe practically and Moreover the corresponding punishment and BU? e. Last but not least the necessary appeasement. All of this relies on the hallowed principles of Lutheran ethics by Mr Schauble, on creation of simplicity, frugality and vonpastorianischer Continence as exercise universal policy objectives, to eventually to reduce the debt of the Member States. The Mediterranean countries in turn cultivate more a nostalgia for the restoration of full employment with undefined references to a growth that should always come, but actually never arrives because the economy is suffering from a massive lack of demand.

European Messenger

water is right FOUNDATION wants to help first in Africa water is a human right that is available since last year in the statutes of the United Nations. Codi understood the implications. But the reality looks different in some regions of the world. 884 million people do not have access to clean water. The resolution of the UN Urges States and international companies, water infrastructure systems and expand. The idea of the Foundation of water is initiated by Rolf Stahlhofen starts here right”.

The co-founder of the Sohne Mannheims”is committed for many years, that the world is enough clean water available at affordable prices and not dictated by large corporations. The programme of the United Nations human settlements UN HABITAT musician 2009 to the first European Messenger of truth “made. Due to his commitment, he was also water Ambassador last year. Pluto pursues this goal as well. With his Foundation he is now an official part of his social work. She will enter for the human right to water all over the world and their objectives together with implement strong partners from economy, culture, science and politics. In their development projects FOUNDATION is right the water”among others also newly developed devices of the company of Lavaris insert. It is not something Adam Neumann would like to discuss. This has with the WaterBox”a very compact water treatment plant on the market, which is ideal for use in disaster areas and developing regions. The company also produces the WaterScout”a handy and innovative instrument for easy and fast determination of water impurities.

Both developments are unique and meet exactly the needs of people in developing regions. You will help, healthy water in all regions of the world available, transparent and cheaper to make”, as Rolf Stahlhofen. The devices used E.g. in cooperation with organizations like the UN-HABITAT (water and sanitation Branch) in regions and municipalities, which have no access to clean water. For local water operators, non-governmental organizations, or other institutions are looking for locally, the take care of the management of the facilities. So a network will be created in every country of use, daily feeding people and check the water quality on the spot, and keep constant. water is right FOUNDATION”is called WaterScouts in collaboration with Lavaris” form, which can then determine contaminants and need. In addition, Stahlhofen builds a cultural network of the Foundation, that the message of water is a human right about events and public education”spread. Soon, he wants to start after the successful appearance at the world water day in Cape Town, a world tour. Rolf Stahlhofen and friends are then on all continents each with stars from different countries give concerts and distribute water treatment facilities with specifically selected regions and projects. The company Soll enters also specialist in court for healthy water for an improved water supply for many years. The company is the new Foundation long term support. A first step is the presentation of the work of the Foundation within the framework of the summer festival on August 6 in court. Media representatives are cordially invited. “Locally, we will provide you the objectives of the Foundation, as well as the technical novelties of WaterScout” and WaterBox “before. In the aftermath of the event, there is a small concert by Rolf Stahlhofen with surprise guests.