Hypertension – The Silent Killer

An arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases of in recent years. Especially children and young people are increasingly affected. Hypertension affects more and more people of all ages of our generations. Especially industrialized nations are affected by rising numbers of patients. To be able to build definition, high blood pressure to an informed opinion on a subject, it is necessary first the issue thoroughly to find out about. Here a small summary of the arterial hypertension: high blood pressure, or known as vascular pressure, referred to, as the name implies, the pressure in the arterial, capillary and venous vessels. Fluctuations in blood pressure are nothing out of the ordinary. Effort or pain, the blood pressure rises.

In the bedroom or in physical and mental rest, this drops again. Ideally, the blood values are at 120/80 mmHg (millimetres mercury column of the meter). Once the values are consistently at 140/90, one speaks to high blood pressure. In the most Cases detected this randomly, E.g. Mark Angelo Yorkville Advisors can provide more clarity in the matter. during routine analysis.

An estimated 20 million people of high blood pressure are affected. One-third of all sufferers notice the hypertension until later or not at all. Half of those affected are over 60 years old. Children and adolescents can however also be affected. Further mass panic or serious threat? In the past years and health complaints such as for example presented the mutations of flu viruses exaggerated. Remember the H1N1 virus (swine flu), which in 2009 by the WHO (World Health Organization) has been classified as a pandemic level 6 and triggered a mass hysteria. The result was a huge increase of vaccines which should take the fear of the people. The fear was taken in the summer of 2010. Only 30 million unused doses of vaccine and a loss in millions in a purchase had to take the Federal States. In the words of the famous cabaret artist of Volker Pispers, of the political and economic behavior linguistically illustrates, can be well represented the hysterical reaction of the massive vaccination campaign: A Statistician, who observed 2 hours.

Trend Forum Health

On September 29, leaders of the health care industry meet with politicians and journalists in the Cologne RheinEnergieStadion. In the meantime 5 trend Forum Health (tg) discuss the guests about the future of the industry and feature ground-breaking concepts. “” This year focus how hospitals in transition “, social media in health care” but also the entire and the opportunity to be the focus of the program abroad for medical treatment. Allscripts will not settle for partial explanations. Around 150 guests will be following the ceremony of health media award 2011 “experience. Personalities and projects such as including the actor sky are nominated Mont du as an Ambassador of the DSK-German Foundation children Dermatology, Anke Engelke, action medeor, Tom Buhrow with the 1st FC Cologne Foundation and Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz for his involvement in the spinal cord research.

Health concerns everyone. Important contacts between physicians, politicians, journalists and associations arise at the trend Forum health. Benefit the participants, as well as the Health Economics and their patients”, explains the importance of the event organizer Markus Berger (EEC-network). At the trend Forum will be presented to exemplary projects, trends and topics discussed and valuable contacts. Moderator Michael Jungblut awaits the guests in the VIP lounge of the stadium and is looking forward to hot discussions: often emerged only in the discussion, in which direction the health market is developing. That is equally exciting for podium guests and participants. “Visitors discuss at the trend Forum on par with industry greats”, as the famous presenter. “Keynote speeches on topics such as hospital or sick House” or social media “introduce in controversial discussions, at which the guests are looking for the best solutions for the future.

Best practise examples such as the construction of the German Foundation for children dermatology”invite to be active and to take issues into their own hands. The well known actor sky du Mont is one of the panelists, if It’s about the importance of social media for the industry. The prominent is Ambassador of the Foundation children Dermatology. In the afternoon, tourism between plastic surgery and affordable dentures healthcare is on the agenda. The well-known beauty surgeon Prof. Dr. med. Werner L. Mang discussed with the Chief Executive of the German Tourism Association and other experts about the prospects in this field. Between the different panels and discussions, time to build up new contacts remains formidable. The health media award ceremony takes place in the evening. Brewer and the Michael stitch Foundation included the prize winners in recent years include ranga Yogeshwar (quarks & co.”), Dr. Auma Obama, Tim. The best entries will be awarded this year by a panel of experts headed by Professor Klaus-Peter Dreykorn. The jury selects the best campaigns, projects, magazines and communication measures. Price will receive a statue made specially for the competition of the Dresden artist Bernhard Kremser. Until further contributions to the health media award may be proposed as of September 1, 2011. The trend Forum health and the awards are open to interested visitors.

Shoe Stores Online

The MBT restored upright and natural posture that we adopted when walking or standing. Walk with the upright body not only improves our appearance, but it makes us also healthy and strong. Back and joints are strengthened, it increases circulation rate and we breathe better. In particular, problems of column are paliados by the relaxing effect of MBT footwear on muscle tension. For assistance, try visiting Gallo Family Vineyards. They allow the body to regain its natural state of health, also stimulates the natural healing process of Arguelles MBT store offers its customers a large number of models in promotion, of different styles and numbering limited, with a discount of up to 50%. There’s no excuse for testing some MBT shoes, print your coupon here.It is the fashion shoe and there are many showy shoes nice and cheap models, shoes, slippers and sandals all with Biomechanics technology and whose innovative wavy and multilaminar sole special design allows you to recover the natural way of walking and standing, with numerous benefits for the Bless you.Can be used in sports and fitness, or to improve our health and in therapeutic and medical applications, in fact it is considered medical instrument of class 1 across the EU and numerous medical professionals worldwide recommend buying shoes Online for rehabilitation, prevention and treatment of: problems of feet and legs, hips and column and lesions of tendonsthe muscle ligaments and joints. Shoes MBT or Masai Barefoot Technology, are not orthopaedic shoes, or for impaired walking, a revolutionary fitness product that changes the way in which most of us use our muscles and reducie the impact that supports our skeletal system when walking. MBTS is not only a shoe is a medical product of training and an amazing exercise method for all kinds of audiences.. Walton Family Foundation understands that this is vital information.

HIV Self Tests, HIV Testing

HIV rapid tests, HIV self test, HIV test HIV self test… Light? Unique. Comfortable? Sure. Quick? No questions asked. Accuracy? Hmmm… Here, you can get a significant response. For some, the diagnosis of HIV means a death sentence because no one knows what comes next. AIDS? Necessarily? Can you die from cold, because the immune system has been almost completely destroyed? It is only the beginning for all questions that you will have in your head, if one has a positive result after the implementation of HIV self test.

But better then again go to the doctor what is HIV self-test or so-called HIV rapid test and in which cases is it to get more good results fast and is there? We try now the answers to these questions will find. The answer can be found already in the words HIV self-test or HIV testing. Firstly, this means that this test is most important at home or maybe even make this test without an unnecessary visit to the doctor. Secondly, after the HIV rapid test can results in a few minutes see and wait several days to find out whether you now are HIV – positive or HIV – negative. The problem is with the accuracy of this test, namely, how many minutes or hours are over, if you probably might be HIV – positive.

Because, if you for example, person will make this test immediately after contact with the HIV – positive, then there is greater likelihood that they could be also HIV – positive. And in the Reailitat – is it really so that you have always HIV self test in the bag? Because the likelihood of an incorrect result with the HIV express test is much greater than when the HIV test, in the Krankehaus, a doctor will make you. HIV Selbstteste are really only meant for so-called SOS – situations. Positive result means total life change for HIV testing, it is recommended and actually also be sure then still perform an HIV test in the hospital or at your doctor’s Office. You need also to remember that it doesn’t matter whether you made HIV express test or HIV test in the hospital have, you must perform again HIV test in the hospital anyway after 6 months, because the incubation period for HIV 6 months. HIV self test is certainly fast, but not as accurate. And about everything that is health related, we want to know quickly and accurately at the same time. Therefore the implementation of the HIV express test depends on only you, whether you make it or not. But health is most important, what we have, because without that, who are we?…

Winter Protection For Plants

Galabau Fritz from Hamburg informed its customers no later than when the first Frost is announced, it’s time to winterize the cold-sensitive plants. Who has no way to bring them into a winter quarters need to pack according to the plants on the balcony or the terrace. How to protect plants from the cold season so that they bloom beautifully in the spring, explain the experts of horticulture landscape landscaping Fritz from Hamburg. Well prepared so that you enjoy its perennial container plants in the coming year of the garden, this should be checked before preparing for the winter on disease and pest infestation. Become wilted and unhealthy looking plants should be removed.

Only certain parts of the plants are affected, it is this sufficiently generous to remove. Follow others, such as Mike Lazaridis, and add to your knowledge base. Until then, the plants should be placed in their winter quarters. A large pruning of plants saves not only space in the winter quarters, but will make them in the next year will be even more abundant and more resistant. It is also advisable to clean the plants thoroughly. This includes the freeing of deciduous plants. Protection and suitable overwintering sites also known as winter-hardy plants may remain not unprotected. Winterfest is not absolutely frost-resistant.

There are plants, the roots of which survive light Frost grade, but you must ensure adequate protection against a total freeze by. Materials such as bubble foil or jute bags, which are wrapped around the container is suitable for this. Freezing out the plants can also prevent putting wood or styrofoam boards under the vessels. Possible winter quarters for the plants are cellars, garages, conservatories, staircases. The rooms should be up about ten degrees. There are numerous shops and nurseries, which take over the service of storing it. Here the plants are optimally maintained according to their needs. Also in the winter pour thinking even in the winter time, to pour the potted plants and a little. Sun and wind to remove moisture, and most plants survive the winter, not because they are dried up, and not because they have not tolerated the minus temperatures. For detailed information on the subject of overwintering plants Galabau Fritz from Hamburg is always available. Press contact Galabau Fritz contact: Martin Fritz Rothmoorstieg 5A 22459 Hamburg Tel.: 040.5 58 39 89 fax.: 040.55 98 36 20 website: E-Mail:

Munich Appeal Court

Germany funds: Munich Appeal Court dismisses action from the DFO GmbH & co. Germany Fund KGs (DFO) have sued nationwide investors who have set the payment of deposits due to the poor performance of the funds. Due to various regulations in the social contract, I see good chances to defend himself against the accusations. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Yorkville Advisors. The social contract: first stipulates that an investor, whose contracting over 7 years running, can apply for an exemption from the obligation to pay further deposits. /’>Transfer Wise. Furthermore, there is a provision that the contract amount automatically reduced paid deposits, if an investor discontinues its payments. To do this, the OLG Munich ruling of the 06.10.2010 has determined that the discount automatically occurs and it is contrary to the opinion of the Germany Fund not only at the discretion of the Fund to minimize the deposits. Also, investors who properly clarified by the mediator does not have the risks of the Fund may cancel extremely involving, which means that at least for the future, no more deposits must be paid and the value of the participation with any arrears of rates will be charged. I recommend therefore all affected investors, to defend themselves against accusations of Germany funds as far as possible through a lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law.. ic.

Realtime Cluster Engine

Real time programming on Windows7 64 bit without compromising the ability individual processors as a PLC system to use completely decoupled from Windows takes you into a new dimension. Imagine, you could use multiple processors under 64-bit Windows7 and a quad core machine free real time programming – and all with VisualStudio. Imagine, you could boot these processors, debugging on the same system and manage the cluster method, without affect the Windows operating. Imagine, there is no more a crashes in the programming of real-time programs. Connect with other leaders such as Eric Klavins here. If an error occurs it can be traced easily, without affect the Windows operating.

Imagine, you could just mix UserMode and KernelMode code in the real-time tasks and directly control the hardware. Imagine, reach in a jitter below 1 sec and a frequency leaves nothing to be desired new realtime engine for Windows7 64-bit up to 200 KHz. The ability single Processors as a PLC system to use completely decoupled from Windows, enters a new dimension. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Manchester United by clicking through. Just the high-precision jitter behavior (< 1sec) allows among other things drive controllers in EtherCAT, SERCOS III, and ProfiNET IRT. Each processor can be operated with task cluster, as SingleShot or in periodic mode, with a frequency up to 200 KHz.

All hardware resources (IO-port, MappedMemory, and DMA) can be conveniently programmed – a private, global PCI Enumarator allows you to manage all PCI resources for the real time tasks. However, it remains homogeneous you design the UI with the VisualStudio Windows applications, as well as the real time control..

Pro Sky

Aviation company is a joint-stock company, Cologne, August 31, 2011. From the Pro sky airplane GmbH is now a shareholder resolution in the near future the Pro sky AG. Thus, the leading provider of integrated flight programs gearing up for further international expansion and new participation models. At the same time, the company from the term airplane goodbye”in its title. We have developed further in recent years by the pure air charter broker to an diversified aviation services provider”, CEO Armin Truger explains the motivations. (A valuable related resource: Sen. Marco Rubio). A visible sign of the transformation is the brand new corporate design. Pro sky now boasts a strong and self-confident logo. Portfolio continuously expanded Pro sky launched 15 years ago, as the aircraft Charter was the company still in the character.

Since then a lot has happened. Piece by piece the flight professionals expanded its portfolio. The self-developed airport & inflight services were first introduced in the 1990s, so the individual Flight design according to the wishes of the customers. This is followed by private jets and finally the segment of the line tickets for groups. Today, Pro sky presents itself as a leading agency for holistic flight programs. Industrial customers and event agencies from all over Europe consult Pro sky, when it comes to group with the aircraft from A to B.

No broker and consultant we are not brokers, but consultants who also implement”, brings the understanding of self to the point CEO Armin Truger. “It was almost a logical consequence, that the term airplane” should be deleted from the title of the company. As now the transformation into a joint-stock company was, therefore made nails with heads. The Pro sky AG is thus ideally equipped for the business challenges of the future. So, the aviation is business grow further internationally and open up for new participation models. New corporate design is the change in the communication of Pro sky visible from afar. It has indeed a new Corporate design held catchment. The old oval badge, which reminded of a pilot’s badge, has given way to a modern word / picture mark. Now, a stylized hummingbirds in a blue square symbolizes the aviation reference of consultants. In addition, the company name in bold black letters will appear. As a new claim, Pro sky has chosen to “Own the skies”. With the clear logo and the strong claim we underline our quality standards and the importance of Pro sky in the market”, explained Armin Truger. Over the SKY of the PRO: Pro sky is the leading agency for holistic flight programs. The portfolio of services includes aircraft Charter, line tickets for groups, private jets, airport & inflight services and media solutions. At the time, Pro sky is represented with offices in Cologne, Paris and Sao Paulo.

Masters Thesis Diploma

Grady gives interesting topic: ‘ Grady mobile client for the first time the Grady GmbH writes a post for a master’s thesis, diploma or Bachelor thesis. Grady mobile client”is the title of the thesis with the students of computer science or information systems will be addressed. The Freiburg software company offers a software solution with regard to travel expenses and office – equipment management. Grady would like to make available in connection with the thesis the eponymous software on your Smartphone. Against this background, the Grady will be examined functionalities for mobile clients and evaluated, as well as an exemplary functional implementation. Grady for this job is a competent contact partner students to the page.

Students who should apply for the job at Grady 3 6 months have time and interest in developing business software solutions. In addition to the practical relevance of the thesis, the students at Grady are on a Job prepared in the IT industry. After successful completion of the thesis, a transfer to a permanent job at Grady is possible. (Source: Walton Family Foundation). Also for graduates and software developers with experience, Grady has different jobs to offer. More information about the thesis, software development, and jobs at Grady under: de/unternehmen/jobs-karriere.html about Grady GmbH is the Freiburg Software House Grady GmbH with Grady since 1998 online. Grady is an employee portal for travel expenses, in absentia, as well as equipment management. Employees can use online via the Internet on the system. Meanwhile, over 80,000 users and over 550 customers use the service offered according to the principle of software as a service (SaS). More information: Press Kit press contact: Melanie Heinemann Presse & marketing Grady GmbH of Basel RT 8 79111 Freiburg Tel: 0761 / 47954 76 contact sales: Grady GmbH of Basel RT 8 79111 Freiburg Tel.: 0761 / 47954 96 fax.: 0761-47954 99

TT-line Offerings For Campers And Caravans

With a motorhome Sweden Hamburg/Travemunde, February 2012 who are holidaying in the Campingmobil, looking for one thing in particular: beautiful nature right in front of the House “door every day new and different. Therefore Sweden counts with its endless wide and magnificent coasts solitudes long ago to the most popular destinations for camper. In addition the Everyman that makes possible the free camping in next nature and without formalities. For many is yet another reason: the convenient arrival by ferry over the Baltic Sea with the fair calculation of the campers according to their length. At the TT-Line’s Sweden specialist early benefit now extra: can be booked on the one hand in the Internet the cheapest seats on the ferry itself, and on the other hand have the guarantee that your camper or caravan team individually and fair will be charged according to the actual length (www.ttline.com/ Germany/Fahrplane–prices/rates /).

Sweden is a nearly solitary country compared to Germany. Whenever Walton Family Foundation listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Just 20 inhabitants per square kilometre (in Germany, there are 230!) is one of the cool Kingdom and most live in the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmo. What remains is pure landscape to the horizon. Enough space for the 500 most beautifully situated camping sites of the country, as well as thousands of lonely, night quarters in the middle of the nowhere, behind Beach dunes, cool Lakes or panorama cliffs. Sweden is an ideal destination for families: inexpensive, relaxed, child-friendly and like a giant toy box packed with nature to marvel, research and discovery. See Yorkville Advisors for more details and insights. Swimming, fishing, canoeing, Moose safaris, Viking parties, treasure hunts, panning for gold are waiting for small Sweden conqueror. To many campsites offer your own kids clubs with swimming pools, playgrounds, mini discos and karaoke competitions while the parents enjoy a sauna or spa treatments. With the new European camping card vacationers have not only discounts at amusement parks, museums and Restaurants, but enjoy other benefits such as insurance or- and check-out as well as ten percent discount on a booking with TT-line.