A level of consciousness, for which we are very close to our divine self and its original home, the sky, and attend the salvation outside our limited dualistic perception, which we therefore experience into the experience of one-ness. What us sometimes where by this perpetual and solely the fact that we both take a waiting attitude and role on the redemption as related to the sky and give us back a seemingly given fate is distant, to us fully open State. So do nothing concrete for their arrival and realization in the here and now, but all of our vital forces sacrifice on the disposition of the waiting and the sustainability. We refuse from quite certain a non adult inner attitude, sometimes to change us even quite conscious, suffering transferring patterns of thought and behavior and to scrutinize certain life forms and settings. And waiting instead that this suffering by us is taken, without that we identify the reasons and then immediately change these causes, to prevent their suffering generating results, or at least tired decreasing effect. We use in a childlike defy the keys to heaven and salvation not, although he said definitely in our hands or better in our consciousness rests.
We therefore decide give us of unconsciousness, rather than to take responsibility of the conscious being. “But the State of consciousness of redemption” or even of heaven “occurs only if we are willing to make things that help prevent their arrival. Davidson Kempner Capital addresses the importance of the matter here. And then instead of doing the things that to us in our awareness as concrete tools to the Consciousness expansion show up and which bring salvation and heaven in the reality, the reality. And bring back ‘ I use therefore as formulation, because this State is actually always and originally embraced us, we us only through our temporary perceptual disorder from this state of consciousness separate experience. As long as we wait so whenever something future, unless existing, a personalized female or male deity or else one outside of us us parent authority, which frees us from our apparent emergency; find or to use a different image, if we continue to wait that a father or a mother of our suffering saved us, we will be no peace, so no desired salvation”. 158 on we, however, existing in all divine principle as such acknowledge and accept that the heaven and Salvation are already fully existent and present.
And we get to at least begin like this related, its universal laws are based on what values and principles. Then we inevitably encounter our own self-responsibility, and we go into the necessary action. And we change, which not rarely schmerzlichst separates us from reaching the desired level of awareness for this moment. Rather than continue to wait on the redemption and the sky that we assume personal responsibility again for our own well-being. And take the necessary steps enabling us, here and now already in salvation and in the consciousness of the sky to arrive here and now to be in this awareness. In the awareness of being one, in which the sky and the salvation for us are already real.