1.-The inscription is required by any of the people, enabled by the law (principle of praying). Learn more about this topic with the insights from echo street capital . 2 That the registerable right is configured in a genuine title or authenticated document (principle of advertising). 3 There are no doubts in the determination of the subject and of the business object, nor in the kind of law (principle of determination or specialty). 4. That an incompatible inscription is not existing, or having this degree that corresponds (principle of priority or rank). 5.
That the transferor pursuant to the title it has registered (or register at the same time) their right (principle of successive tract). 6. Only the fulfillment of all the precepts registration satisfies the principle of legality. 7 Consists in the attribution that the Registrar has considered the document whose inscription or annotation is requested for the purpose of verifying whether it meets the legal budgets needed to enter the register (principle of qualifications). Original author and source of the article