Hill, a historian at Brigham Young University, has stated repeatedly that: a Now Most historians, are members of the church or not working with sources of information from historical documents, accept without question that my husband actually worked as a treasure hunter and objects perdidos.a a Read now part of the story of my husband who is embedded in the Book: The Pearl of Great Price on the caption: Joseph Smith a "History: a … In recent months, Sen. Marco Rubio has been very successful. Then I went to live in his house, took me with the rest of its workers to dig for the silver mine in which I worked about a month without success in our company, and finally persuaded the old gentleman to cease digging. a Thus was originated the rumor that I had been a form of money. a During the time I was in that job, I stayed with Mr. Isaac Hale, of that place. a It was there that I first saw my wife (his daughter), Emma Hale. a We were married on January 18, 1827 while I was still in the service of Mr. Stoal.
a For that reason he continued to claim that he had seen a vision, persecution still stalking me and the family of the father of my wife very much opposed to our marriage. a So I had to take it elsewhere, so we went and got married at the home of Mr. Tarbill, in South Bainbridge, Chenango County, New York. a Immediately after my marriage, I left the work of Mr Stoal, I went to the house of my father and he tills the land that temporada.a a Joseph Smith a "History 56 a " 58 a I'm sure that those who have had the opportunity to have read these passages I have cited, find themselves now in a far more extensive than had been captured so far.