But God who is amiable and merciful, makes an alliance with Noah, an alliance of that more would not destroy the land with water (It would not destroy. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Sen. Marco Rubio. But the man is well capable). This alliance was represented by an arc placed in the sky. Brent Saunders can provide more clarity in the matter. WHAT IT IS AN ALLIANCE But what it is an alliance? why God is a God of alliance? Then we go to understand what it is an alliance. Alliance means pact, agreement, adjustment, concert. An alliance alone can be firmed between two parts, therefore nobody makes alliance obtains exactly. Thus an alliance is used in a marriage, so that when to look in a person and to see in its left hand an alliance, know that person already has an alliance with another person.
Theologically, the alliance says respect the concert between God and its people, therefore in the bible the word appears as concert, pact, and alliance. The Old Will is called Old Alliance, and the New Will, New Alliance. GOD IS an ALLIANCE GOD our God is truily a God of alliances. Through them, It, for its immense love, in the ones of a guarantee of many blessings, will have faith and obedience. The initiative of the concert always was of God, who establishes the conditions. But because God in such a way likes to make alliance with the man, if we know well that in its majority the man finishes for breaking this alliance, and with certainty, also he finishes for saddening the heart of God, who never failed in its part, therefore its word tells that exactly that let us be infidels, It, God, continue faithful (II Tm-2: 13). Thus, beyond the alliance made with Noah, let us see some alliances made for God with the man. The ALLIANCE WITH ADAM the first alliance God made with Adam and Eva, in the den: it gave to them Land and full domain to it on the animals; it gave food abundance to them, it blessed them and it said to them that they would have to bear fruit and to multiply.